
India Mission Trip-The Right Thing

One night, we’re shopping for ministry materials with our Indian leader, S. We leave the marketplace and go look for a taxi to head home.  We start walking down the street.  The three of us - Jack, Rob and I - are behind the leader, who is ahead of us by a little bit.  It’s a busy night, with lots of pedestrians, lots of motorcycles, lots of animals because it’s India.  Suddenly, S. stops and makes a 180-degree turn.  He has a concerned look.  He walks right past us in the opposite direction, saying something about “Sorry but I need to go take care of something…


長期生活在北美這個極具豐富物質條件和完善平等自由制度的社會,我似乎覺得身邊一切都是那麽的理所當然,因此庸庸碌碌的生活。當前幾年看到Impact的短宣隊到非洲和印度經歷各種神蹟奇事,心裏就萌發了「去世界的另外一端這個古老的國家 – 印度,看看上帝是如何在那裏彰顯」的念頭...