Urgent Prayer and Support Needed!


Dear friend,

You are invited to join CALLED TO NATIONS, a growing vision to empower Kingdom projects and initiatives globally.

CALLED TO NATIONS is a mission network platform for believers and churches worldwide that would like to share resources and participate in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

In order to provide mission outreach globally, we appreciate the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of Great Commission-minded individuals just like you, we wouldn't be able to reach farther.

We ask that you make a commitment to support our “Called to Nations” by making a donation. Our monthly goal is $3500, and gratefully we hope that you will be able to make a contribution. Your generosity will make a difference in our global mission projects by allowing us to continue sharing with the unreached people groups.



    1. West/North Africa

      1. Starting orphanages in West Africa (Senegal and Togo)

      2. Establishing a faith based education center in Senegal

      3. Opening a cafe business that supports mission in Senegal

      4. Connecting business opportunities to support mission in Togo, Senegal and Morocco

    2. Asia

      1. Planting a marketplace church at a local cafe in Laos

      2. Establishing a faith based education center in Patna, India

    3. Middle East

      1. Marketplace ministry outreach and business in Tehran, Iran

      2. Collaborating with mission for refugees in Iraq

ONGOING projects:

  • Establish self-sufficient businesses for ministry/mission purpose in West Africa

  • Training programs for young leaders in Africa and India

  • Ministry leadership development

  • Life skills and career training for young people in India and Africa

  • Providing education for the under-privileged in India and Africa

  • Bible and ministry training

  • Funding church outreach and mission work in India, Africa and China

You can sign up online or if you’d like to know more details about this opportunity, please feel free to contact me at anytime.  

Partner up with us today!


Jack Lee
Senior Leader
Impact Harvest Church
Called to Nations

Called to Nations is an affiliated ministry of Impact Harvest Church.


我們誠摯地邀請您加入CALLED TO NATIONS --- 一個能啟動全球基督徒並著力於神國事工的成長型意象。

CALLED TO NATIONS 是為著普世信徒和教會預備,能資源共享並置身於耶穌大使命的宣教網絡平台。


我們誠摯地邀請,透過您的資助,持續投身在「CALLED TO NATIONS」的行列中。我們每月的目標是$3500美金,在此衷心的期望您能參與其中。您的慷慨會為我們的全球宣教計畫成就改變;藉由您的資助,我們將能繼續分享福音和資源給更多的人們和族群,甚至到未觸及之地。



  • 以事工為導向,在西非建立一個自給自足的商業結構

  • 為非洲及印度的青年領袖建立有效的訓練系統

  • 培養事工領袖

  • 為非洲及印度的年輕人提供技能及職場訓練

  • 為在印度及非洲的弱勢群體提供教育機會

  • 提供聖經神學及事工訓練

  • 為非洲、印度、及中國的教會外展及宣教事工募資

  • 以及其他更多的項目...





Jack Lee
Senior Leader
Impact Harvest Church
Called to Nations

Called to Nations is an affiliated ministry of Impact Harvest Church.
