Dear Family and friends,
Shalom! We hope that you will be able to take part in such an exciting global outreach that we are involved in these years and to experience firsthand the honor we take in supporting this cause.
It is our desire to fulfill the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ. In order to provide outreach to our community locally and globally, we appreciate the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of Great Commission-minded individuals just like you, we wouldn't be able to serve our community or reach out to the nations.
As for you, I’d like to invite you to join me to explore the following opportunities.
Planning on a mission trip with Called to Nations.
Remembering us in your daily prayer.
Participating in a monthly financial support.
Connecting like-minded people to do all the above!
2019 is going to be another exciting year for us to witness the mighty work of our Lord Jesus Christ. We not only will continue to serve in India, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Senegal, but also we are responding to the calls from other nations. Similarly Paul received a vision of a man of Macedonia calling him to come over to help them (Acts 16:9), we are also stepping out by faith to new territories where we've never been to before. Without stepping out of our comfort zone, we will miss the opportunity to witnessing God’s glory.
We ask that you will make a commitment to support “Called to Nations” by making a donation. Your generosity will make a difference in our local and global communities by allowing us to continue sharing with the unreached people groups.
Thank you,
Called to Nations
2015 INDIA
Our local teams have established 2 outreach centers.
We completed fundraise for purchasing a mini-van for the local ministries.
Connected with the local ministries and outreach centers.
Walking in signs & wonders - heal the sick, cast out demons to demonstrate God’s love and power.
Initiating a rescuing street children program in Dakar.
Providing life-skill and job trainings to the underprivileged.
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to a 98% Muslim country.
2016-2017 INDIA
Sponsoring life-transformation outreach centers in northern India.
Supporting a children education program at slums and remote villages.
Equipping new leaders for gospel and community outreach.
Providing life-skill and job trainings to the underprivileged.
2017-2018 Asia, Africa, Middle East
Supporting 8 mission centers in the northern part of India.
Sponsoring a young girl to study children education at a Bible College.
Supporting 2 mission centers in 98% Muslim communities in Senegal, Africa.
Planning to put together a children VBS in a 100% Muslim neighborhood this September since we have received an invitation from the Muslim village elder/chief council.
Our goal is to step into another two nations, Mali and Morocco.
Currently our team in Senegal has sent a leader to move to Bamako, Mali.
Although bible is once again banned by the Chinese government, and believers are under persecution among the underground churches, God never ceases to amaze His children with signs and wonder. Currently we are planting 2 outreach mission centers.
Nepal & Bhutan
Connecting with local missionaries to reach out to the villages in Kathmandu area.
Partnering up with local missionary to share the gospel in Thimphu area.
Supporting 11 mission centers in India (mostly northern India).
Our projects include establishing mission centers, shelters and education centers.
Sponsoring a young lady to study children education at a Bible College.
Supporting 1 mission center in Laos.
Initiating a marketplace ministry center.
Sponsoring a young man to study at a Bible College.
Connecting with the local missionaries to reach out to the villages in Nepal.
Supporting a mission center in Kathmandu.
Partnering up with local missionaries to share the gospel in Thimphu, Bhutan.
Although the Bible is once again banned by the Chinese government, and believers are under persecution among the underground churches, God never ceases to amaze His children with signs and wonder.
Currently we are planting multiple outreach mission centers throughout China.
Supporting 2 mission centers in a 98% Muslim country, Senegal West Africa.
New mission plant in Bamako, Mali West Africa, a country constantly being harassed by African ISIS.
Supporting 1 mission center in Lome, Togo West Africa.
Annual VBS in a 100% Muslim neighborhood - a direct invitation from the Muslim elder/chief council.
Our goal for 2020 is to enter into Morocco, Northern Africa.
Connecting with the Orthodox communities.
Building relationship with local Mesianic community/churches.
Marketplace ministry - Information upon request.